Monday, August 4, 2008

Bryce and Drake went fishing in the creek next to our campground and caught this huge salmon. We cooked about 1/3 of it that night for dinner. They're freaking huge.
Drake checking out the massive fish. He was saying "Dad, there's still some guts hangin out."
My guys are pretty proud of their catch. They're so cute. I love em.
Drake and Sierra. She's our friend's Mike and Lori's daughter. They're up here from Silver State too.
Drake playing soccer with all of us at the campground. He's seriously pretty good, not to brag or anything.

Me and Drake in front of Nugget Falls. It flows into Mendenhall Lake, right next to the Glacier. We hiked up there with my sister, Jen, when she was visiting. We all had a great time. Miss you Jen!
A closer pic of the glacier. You always pics from the campground, here's one closer up.
Me striking a pose with Drake in front of Nugget Falls.

At the Alaska State Museum, they have a section for kids to dress up and play. Here's Captain Drake stepping off the boat.
So, we're at the museum and Drake wants me to take a pic of him by this 300 year old totem pole. What does he do? Leans back on it and almost knocks it over. Holy crap, I almost passed out.

I took this pic at arms length. I'm a great photographer.

Obviously, Bryce is looking at me like "Why are you taking my picture?" But, whatever.
Drake looking out the window of the whale watching boat in amazement. We all know I'm a freak, so I made him wear the pfd everytime he went on the deck of the boat.
Some sealions hanging out on a buoy. They come out of the water to warm up.
Two humpback whales swimming next to each other. You can barely see their spray they just blew out.
This is one of the coolest ones. You can see one whale spraying out, and the other diving. They would spray, then show their big humpbacks and dive and show their tails. It was awesome. I have tons more pics from whalewatching, but I don't want to bore anyone.


Popa Espanet said...

Thanks for the great pix, movies & commentary. We sure enjoy this means of keeping up with events at "Fort Frankenberry." We got home from Utah last Friday. Was encouraging to see progress thus far on our house. Footings, foundation, basement and garage floors poured, septic tank and drain fields completeted. Next step is framing. Lumber already on site. Keep us posted about your return trip home plans as they develope...... Love, Nana & Popa Espanet

schille family said...

I love to hear all about your adventures in Alaska! When you guys get back, we should try to arrange to get together and let Drake and Emma play, and catch up! We have a blog, too, to keep everyone updated on what going