Sunday, April 13, 2008

We made it...

Here are some photos from the journey, sorry we missed a few days of posting. we are currently looking for a rental in Juneau. These pics are from the alcan... and yes that is a giant beaver.


Popa Espanet said...

Monday, April 14, 2008 - Very happy to hear you were able to catch earlier boot (Canadian for boat) to Juneau. Hope all goes well in quest for housing. Good luck Byrce on your new job. Love to all. Hugs & kisses to Drake from Nana & Popa. Thanks for the blog....... Popa Espanet......

Popa Espanet said...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - Hope things improve in your quest for housing. Happy for the job prospects for Torie. Nana sez; "Hi back at Mr.Drake, So glad he has someone to run around with him. The pics are great. I'm so proud of both of you. I'm just leaving for Victoria, B.C. at 5:30A.M. Love You" We check blog daily. THX for the updates.... Popa Espanet.......