Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I wore drake out

Drake and I are at a pizza shop in Juneau. It's about 2 miles from home. We walked. What can I say, I'm getting trailer fever. The only thing that sucks about it is that I have to carry him home. 2 miles. What was I thinking? I was hoping it would wear him out, but...
Bryce has been in training for the last 2 days. He's not getting paid for it. Sweet. Thank God for the funenjoyment of unemployment. We also found out that if there is any sort of serious injury, we'll have to be flown to Seattle, so we have to work on getting health insurance. Great, that's only like $300/mo. Sweet. I haven't been too diligent at finding a daycare. It almost seems futile. What's the point of getting a job when daycare is $35/day?
Other than all this complaining, things are going well. Bryce got to fly an Astar yesterday. His excitement was overshadowed by his new boss's impatience. He's stoked he flew, but he's nervous about a million other things. I keep telling him he's a kick butt pilot and he should just relax.
Drake is already over the glacier. When I suggest going to check it out, he's like, "No, not the glaaaaacier!" We went to the skate park here yesterday. It's sick! They've got a nice 4 foot halfpipe with an extension. They had some tabletops set up too. Drake was rolling down the pyramids all by himself. He was stoked. He wanted to roll down the huge 15 foot wedge on his stomach. What a frankenberry! I was skating the ramp and he tells me "Just drop in Mom." What a frankenberry.
So despite the frustrations, we're having fun and sticking together. We'll survive this crazy adventure, and if we don't atleast we'll all be crazy together.


Popa Espanet said...

Popa says; Thanks for the new bloggage. We are confident that in just a short time Bryce will be wery capable & comfortable flying the new helicopter. A new job is always stressful until things become familiar. Nana says; To both my boys, be careful. I know Bryce is good at what he does. I remember him being nervous before. I say better to be nervous and cautious than over-confident and carless. To my Drake, well I'm probably just glad I'm not there or I would have to cover my eyes, because you would scare me. Thank you, Torie, We love you. Lots of new things to think about and take in. Enjoy your adventure. Love Mom

Jennifer said...

That sounds fun. I am excited to come and visit. I booked my plane ticket for Alaska today. I guess I will need to bring my sleeping bag, pillow and a skateboard. Well, I probably won't bring a skateboard since I want to come home in one piece. We are glad you are doing well. Davis misses Keegan, I miss Torie and Drake and Ken misses Bryce(one less drinking buddy, ya know). Take care. Love Jen and Ken

Anonymous said...

Congrats on everything guys. I know it's got to be tough right now but it's been my experience that the best memories are always the ones that seemed so rough at the time. Just think of the nostalgia that you'll have ten years from now.
Keep up the blog. It's so cool! I just got back in town today and this was the first chance that I had to read it. It's really nice of you to provide us all with such a wonderfully vicarious experience.
