Monday, May 19, 2008

It's a beautiful day! The sun is shining, the temperature is actually warm, amazing! I made the ride today into town with Drake. Well, not just into town, to Bryce's work. About 10 miles. It felt great. I love riding my bike. It's awesome. I'm just about to try to get home now. We'll see what happens. Here's a movie of Bryce taking off to take some folks to the dog sled camp. Drake got to sit in the helicopter. He was being so careful. What a good boy. He was demonstrating to me how to be careful in the helicopter and to not touch the buttons. Our friend Mike Pope took a pic of us in front of the heli Bryce flew to the dog sled camp.

We went to a skate park jam the other day. Drake was so funny. He was like, "I wanna skate. Mom, just go drop in." He was dancing with his (my) skateboard, and standing, looking cool.

There's a little creek by our house. They're all over the place. Anyway, we took a short hike up it. I was kinda scared. I saw a lot of trails down to it. I thought we might see a bear or something. So that is the pic of Bryce in the mossy area.
Before we went on that hike, we took a short ride up the street to this guys house. He made a big fence out of skis. You can see my sweet boots. The common footwear around here. They're actually perfect. I wore heels out the other night. I felt really out of place.
Well, time to start the haul back home.

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